Action Teaching Salon Suisse
55th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia

Talk Was Cheap! The Rise of Performance Lectures
With lecture performances by Bazon Brock, Armin Chodzinski, Daniel Ladnar, Falke Pisano. Moderators: Jörg Scheller & Marianne Wagner
Recently, new experimental forms of lectures have emerged in the art world and at the universities, oscillating between science and spectacle, entertainment and education. This trend seems to revive Diderot’s demand “Hâtons-nous de rendre la philosophie populaire” : let’s make philosophy, let’s make knowledge popular.
We have invited three representatives of today’s thriving lecture performance scene and one of the pivotal figures in the history of lecture performances and Fluxus, the inventor of “action teaching” Bazon Brock. The event is co-organized by Marianne Wagner of the University of Berne.
Programm Salon Suisse (PDF):